2017-02-24 16:17:35 UTC
Dear AllI would like to use the new version of samtools 1.3.1 for call snp on my sample:
samtools mpileup -L 1000 -B -q 10 -D -S -g -f /illumina/software/database/Starhg19/hg19/hg19_primary.fa -l /illumina/software/database/database_2016/TARGET/truseq-exome-targeted-regions-manifest-v1-2.bed [tumor,normal] -o None |bcftools view -T pair -bvcg - > ALIGN/413/rawSamtools/413.bcf
is it possible with the new version?
I try but see
samtools mpileup -L 1000 -B -q 10 -D -S -g -f /illumina/software/database/Starhg19/hg19/hg19_primary.fa -l /illumina/software/database/database_2016/TARGET/truseq-exome-targeted-regions-manifest-v1-2.bed [tumor,normal] -o None |bcftools view -T pair -bvcg - > ALIGN/413/rawSamtools/413.bcf
is it possible with the new version?
I try but see