Holbrook J.
2017-01-03 17:05:07 UTC
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From: "Holbrook J." <***@soton.ac.uk<mailto:***@soton.ac.uk>>
Date: Tuesday, 3 January 2017 at 16:21
To: "samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net>" <samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net>>
Subject: samtools sort for paired-end .bam cannot find chromosome name in text header
Dear Samtools help members
Happy 2017! I would be very grateful for your help:
I am trying to manipulate .bam files created by ernebs5 (http://erne.sourceforge.net) aligning against hg19.
I am running samtools 1.3.1
I have ~ 1.5 mil singleton and ~ 100 mil paired end reads from each sample (the singletons are when one of the pair failed QC).
For the singleton alignments, I was able to use Samtools to sort, index, filter, index again and calculate coverage relative to my .bed file.
However, I can not sort my paired-end read alignments.
I am running:
samtools sort -T /dev/shm/jostemp -@ 8 -m 4G -o sample1b_paired_sorted.bam Sample1b_unmasked.bam
I get an error message that starts:
[bam_sort_core] merging from 16 files……
[E::trans_tbl_add_sq] @SQ SN (chr1) found in binary header but not text header.
[E::trans_tbl_add_sq] @SQ SN (chr10) found in binary header but not text header.
There is a line for every chromosome name in my file.
I did a diff for the headers between my singleton .bam file and my paired end .bam file and there was no difference for the @SQ lines.
There is enough space in the /dev/shm/jostemp/ path for the temp files and my HPC administrator says my resource usage is well under limits.
The flagstat for the input .bam file looks fine to my inexperienced eye and it converts fine to a .sam file which again looks OK.
I have posted this problem on BioStars: https://www.biostars.org/p/228119/#229683
I’ve also checked out this which seems similar but not the same: https://github.com/samtools/samtools/issues/548
Thanks for any suggestions
From: "Holbrook J." <***@soton.ac.uk<mailto:***@soton.ac.uk>>
Date: Tuesday, 3 January 2017 at 16:21
To: "samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net>" <samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:samtools-***@lists.sourceforge.net>>
Subject: samtools sort for paired-end .bam cannot find chromosome name in text header
Dear Samtools help members
Happy 2017! I would be very grateful for your help:
I am trying to manipulate .bam files created by ernebs5 (http://erne.sourceforge.net) aligning against hg19.
I am running samtools 1.3.1
I have ~ 1.5 mil singleton and ~ 100 mil paired end reads from each sample (the singletons are when one of the pair failed QC).
For the singleton alignments, I was able to use Samtools to sort, index, filter, index again and calculate coverage relative to my .bed file.
However, I can not sort my paired-end read alignments.
I am running:
samtools sort -T /dev/shm/jostemp -@ 8 -m 4G -o sample1b_paired_sorted.bam Sample1b_unmasked.bam
I get an error message that starts:
[bam_sort_core] merging from 16 files……
[E::trans_tbl_add_sq] @SQ SN (chr1) found in binary header but not text header.
[E::trans_tbl_add_sq] @SQ SN (chr10) found in binary header but not text header.
There is a line for every chromosome name in my file.
I did a diff for the headers between my singleton .bam file and my paired end .bam file and there was no difference for the @SQ lines.
There is enough space in the /dev/shm/jostemp/ path for the temp files and my HPC administrator says my resource usage is well under limits.
The flagstat for the input .bam file looks fine to my inexperienced eye and it converts fine to a .sam file which again looks OK.
I have posted this problem on BioStars: https://www.biostars.org/p/228119/#229683
I’ve also checked out this which seems similar but not the same: https://github.com/samtools/samtools/issues/548
Thanks for any suggestions