2016-11-28 00:16:55 UTC
Dear All,
I have a large set of bovine samples (~2700 bam files, on average about
10x coverage) that I want to run mpileup on. I am getting an error that
seems to indicate that there is a hard coded limit of bam files in
I am running Samtools 1.3 using the following command:
module load samtools/1.3.1
module load bcftools/1.3.1
samtools mpileup -r Chr2:10000-20000 -ugf reference.fa -b bams.txt -t
AD,INFO/AD,ADF,ADR,SP | bcftools call -mv -> 1000Sam1.3.test.vcf
I get this error:
[mpileup] fail to load index for XXX.bam
Failed to open -: unknown file type
I have gone and regenerated the XXX.bam.bai file (with Samtools1.3.1), and
rerun and I still get the same error. I have then removed the first bam
file in "bams.txt" and then the error moves to the next bam file in the
list after XXX.bam, lets call it YYY.bam.
[mpileup] fail to load index for YYY.bam
Failed to open -: unknown file type
This seems to indicate that XXX.bam.bai is OK, but that I hit another
cryptic error in Samtools. Possibly a limit of number of bams?
XXX.bam is the 1995th file, and YYY.bam is the 1996th. When YYY.bam
becomes the 1995th (because I removed an earlier bam file in the list)
file the error passes XXX.bam and prints at YYY.bam.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS: there is a post on limit number of bams on the list already from 2012,
it is related to the file name size, I have checked that that is not an
issue in my case.
Dr. Hans Daetwyler | Research Leader Computational Biology
Biosciences Research | Agriculture Victoria | DEDJTR
Senior Research Fellow | Applied Systems Biology | La Trobe University
AgriBio Centre, 5 Ring Rd., Bundoora 3083, Victoria
T: 03 9032 7037 | E: ***@ecodev.vic.gov.au
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Government of
Victoria, Victoria, Australia.
This email, and any attachments, may contain privileged and confidential
information. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not distribute or
reproduce this e-mail or the attachments. If you have received this message in
error, please notify us by return email.
I have a large set of bovine samples (~2700 bam files, on average about
10x coverage) that I want to run mpileup on. I am getting an error that
seems to indicate that there is a hard coded limit of bam files in
I am running Samtools 1.3 using the following command:
module load samtools/1.3.1
module load bcftools/1.3.1
samtools mpileup -r Chr2:10000-20000 -ugf reference.fa -b bams.txt -t
AD,INFO/AD,ADF,ADR,SP | bcftools call -mv -> 1000Sam1.3.test.vcf
I get this error:
[mpileup] fail to load index for XXX.bam
Failed to open -: unknown file type
I have gone and regenerated the XXX.bam.bai file (with Samtools1.3.1), and
rerun and I still get the same error. I have then removed the first bam
file in "bams.txt" and then the error moves to the next bam file in the
list after XXX.bam, lets call it YYY.bam.
[mpileup] fail to load index for YYY.bam
Failed to open -: unknown file type
This seems to indicate that XXX.bam.bai is OK, but that I hit another
cryptic error in Samtools. Possibly a limit of number of bams?
XXX.bam is the 1995th file, and YYY.bam is the 1996th. When YYY.bam
becomes the 1995th (because I removed an earlier bam file in the list)
file the error passes XXX.bam and prints at YYY.bam.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
PS: there is a post on limit number of bams on the list already from 2012,
it is related to the file name size, I have checked that that is not an
issue in my case.
Dr. Hans Daetwyler | Research Leader Computational Biology
Biosciences Research | Agriculture Victoria | DEDJTR
Senior Research Fellow | Applied Systems Biology | La Trobe University
AgriBio Centre, 5 Ring Rd., Bundoora 3083, Victoria
T: 03 9032 7037 | E: ***@ecodev.vic.gov.au
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Government of
Victoria, Victoria, Australia.
This email, and any attachments, may contain privileged and confidential
information. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not distribute or
reproduce this e-mail or the attachments. If you have received this message in
error, please notify us by return email.