sebastien letort
2017-03-06 18:09:33 UTC
Only for my comprehension.
I've got a fasta file (many short sequences) that I compressed with
bgzip to grant random access.
I wrote a tiny code in python (with pysam) that parse my file.
I've noticed that a myfile.gz.fai has been generated whereas I already
had a myfile.gzi file index.
Does that means gzi index is not the index to use with fasta file ?
For what purpose gzi file is dedicated ?
Only for my comprehension.
I've got a fasta file (many short sequences) that I compressed with
bgzip to grant random access.
I wrote a tiny code in python (with pysam) that parse my file.
I've noticed that a myfile.gz.fai has been generated whereas I already
had a myfile.gzi file index.
Does that means gzi index is not the index to use with fasta file ?
For what purpose gzi file is dedicated ?